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Sunday, July 12, 2009

hELLo aLL....

do you ever think,what will happen if we are depressed...?
attention..! i'm in the situation,why i be like this..? wanna know the story about..?
ouhhh....it is actually about a " FEELINGS " let me ask you 1 golden question,what will do you feel if you love someone but u cant tell *** about your feeling....? if you tell *** , for sure *** will hate you, and you will lost *** forever..?
i don't know how to settle " THE BLACK DAY "of my life.....
sometimes i feel so sad when *** tell me bout *** @$^#$%@!.....that is the point...i feel so disappointed, i feel my world have turn around,i lost my mind,i don't know how come the feel built in my heart........im so heart broken..


  1. hmm. situation cmni slalu berlaku. but, i guess u just have to tell her about your feelings, then it will lighten your burden. rasa free. but, don't feel afraid to get rejected. cause, you'll get over it. besides, if she really wa meant for you, she won't go anywhere. believe me.

  2. hehehe...yups its always happen....hmmmm mmg memedih kan....tapi takpa yang penting kita enjoy!!! hehe.......
